Sunday 5 June 2011

Be the Best Parents in the Whole Wide World!

You probably heard your parents a couple of times before that it’s pretty hard taking care of you when you were young. You might have taken that thought for granted since you’re not really the one struggling. But when you finally grew up, romantic relationships were built, commitments and responsibilities were tied down, reality bites and then in a snap of a finger, you’re on your parents’ shoes already.
How can you be great parents or be the best parents in the whole wide world if having a child/children require so many demands? Well all you have to think and bear in mind is three things: First, give your child the best love and care you could offer. It wouldn’t really cost you that much to just hold your child and make it a point that you express your love to him/her/them every second everyday.
Second, give your child enough time and attention.  Trust me, your child needs it. You shouldn’t disregard giving simple efforts and time to him/her. Especially when growing up, your child should feel that you’re always there for him/her no matter how busy you are with work and that you always acknowledge the things that your child does.
Third, discipline your child but not to the extent that you’d verbally and physically abuse him/her. It’s important that your child sees you as someone who he/she could look up to and not someone who he/she would hate and be afraid of for the rest of his/her life. You wouldn’t want that right?
To add, I would want to say that resolve in your heart to give the much needed time, efforts, love, care, appreciation and attention over and over again to your little ones. They might be a pain in the ass for some moments but you can never really deny the fact that they are the best things that had happened to you and nothing more.

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