Sunday 5 June 2011

Weaning Strategies for Babies

Weaning or stop breastfeeding and nursing a baby who is one months or older or the transition from bottle to cup is a hard decision. Breast or bottle feeding is usually the best and sure shot way to soothe or comfort a child and weaning the child from these sources of comfort can distress parents as much as the child. However, even doctors recommend that bottles should be eliminated as a feeding tool by the time babies are one year old to prevent tooth decay and improper alignment of teeth. Here are some gentle weaning strategies, ways and tips that can help the child to drink with cups more cheerfully and happily and without much stress:
  • Be very supportive to your child during the transition period and giver her extra support including hugging, playing with her to comfort her or help her soothe herself with her favorite toy or blanket.
  • Children who can already handle sippy cups well may love to drink from a cup, just like 'big people'.
  • Early morning and late night nursing sessions are special for baby and mom and means 'bonding time'. So, keep them until last and start eliminating one feeding at a time from sometime in between. You can gradually start from eliminating one feeding a week and then move on gradually by dropping one more feeding per week.
  • Get your baby used to changes in routines first and learn how to break habits. You can change rooms, reschedule bath times or exchange the chores with your spouse.
  • Make sure that your baby doesn't get too hungry or she will become irritable and will refuse to accept any changes. Give her about six ounces of water or juice daily using a sippy cup and favorite snacks to soothe her.
  • Postpone a feeding by just 15 minutes a day and shorten the duration of the feedings and you will soon find that the number of feedings will soon dwindle down.
  • Whenever a child insists on being nursed or feeding on a bottle, you may want to distract her with errands and excursions by first taking her for a walk or reading her favorite storybook to her and she may forget her request and take to the cup easily.
  • You can also consider making bottles less tasty for the baby by watering down the milk or just give them water in bottles and milk only in sippy cups.

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