Sunday 5 June 2011

Stool Soiling in Children

Stool soiling in children is mainly caused by constipation, but might be the result of sickness as well. It can be described as the condition in which a child, who has already been toilet trained, accidentally leaks feces into his/her underwear. Also known as Encopresis, the condition is involuntary and in majority of the cases, the amount of soiling is quite small. The stools are often soft or liquid in form and have a very bad smell leak. The problem can occur from once a day to several times in a day. Children with constipation may have painful bowel movements or incomplete emptying of stool. The stool that is not emptied and is left in the rectum may leak out of the anus and result in stool soiling. Go through the following lines to know more about stools and bowel movement problems in child as well as their solutions.

The main causes behind stool soiling have been listed below.
  • Constipation
  • Need of more toilet training
  • Toilet "phobia" (child being scared of using the bathroom)
  • Seen by the child as a way of "manipulating" the environment
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Certain Sickness
Treating Encopresis in Kids
  • Maintain a toilet diary of the child for a week prior to doctor's visit. This will help your doctor see the patterns in your child's bathroom habits, such as when, where and what kind of bowel movements the child has, and help him correct the problem.
  • Teach your child to use the toilet and even ask for help every time he/she needs to urinate or pass stools.
  • Make your child sit on the toilet seat 3-4 times in a day, usually after meals, for at least 10 minutes. This will help him/her develop proper toilet habits and clear his bowel completely.
  • If your child is suffering from 'toilet phobia', play with him/her in the bathroom for a few days, so that his/her fear gets removed. You can also read to him/her when he/she is in the toilet or keep talking to him/her, from outside the door.
  • High fiber foods and less dairy products in your child's diet will ensure that his/her bowel movements are soft and well formed.
  • Doctors may also prescribe fiber supplements or mild laxatives, for a short time, for constipated children, so that they do not suffer from stool soiling.
  • When a child has soiling accidents, be calm and never ever scold him/her. The soiling is involuntary and the child should not be made to feel responsible or guilty for it.
  • If your child does not have a bowel movement for 3 to 4 days in a row, consult a doctor. If it is necessary, he will remove the stool collected in the lower bowel, using an enema or a suppository, preventing stool soiling.
  • In the initial days of toilet training, especially the first time, praise your child when he has a bowel movement in the toilet. He will be encouraged to make this a habit.

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