Sunday 5 June 2011

How to Educate My Child


Education is essential in that it teaches people about the world around them. Most parents want to see their child succeed. The key to educating your child is laying the proper foundation by starting early. Although a good education is not a guarantee to being wealthy, it will increase the chances that your child will be more confident in herself, and have a bright future. There are many ways that you can fuel your child's brain, so that she can get the education that will equip her to be all that she can be.

Step 1

Read stories to your child. Not only will this increase imagination, but it will help her with her language skills and vocabulary. Reading stories also allows your child to create a fantasy life that she can disappear into to which is very important. An excellent time to read stories to your child is at bedtime. You can also read to her during bath time.

Step 2

Watch the news with your child. This will increase his awareness of the business world, politics, current events and the weather. You can use this time to talk with him, about things going on in the news, or relate the topics to things he's learned.

Step 3

Give books as gifts. This is a great way to encourage your child to read. Instead of giving toys or video games, give her something that she can truly benefit from. She may develop a love for reading, and want to purchase books more often.

Step 4

Play board games with your child. Board games are excellent for teaching children how to read and count. They can also teach your child about following rules and taking turns. When playing board games, he will be required to make decisions, which can increase his critical thinking skills.

Step 5

Role play with your child. This is an excellent way to teach him about everyday life, and get him to begin thinking about possible career choices. Some examples are role-playing games that involve the grocery store or a doctor's office.

Step 6

Teach your child about fractions and decimals while preparing dinner. Setting the timer, measuring ingredients and setting the table are all great ways to implement math during dinner time.

Step 7

Ask your child questions when you are reading stories, to get her thinking. This is also a good time to teach math skills by asking her things, such as how many cats were on the page.

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